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A Quick Drables about LOVE


All she needed was somebody who understood her silence. It might take a lifetime. But it was worth to be waiting for. Because she told everything through her silence. She hate talking too much. She was hopeless in revealing herself in words.


He was young, he was confused and misunderstood. He lived in denial which brought him nothing but hatred that consumed him slowly and painfully. He trusted no one but himself. He hate the world and people who lived in. But he was young, he was confused and misunderstood.


 She believed that one day, somebody would show up in front of her. Gave her what she had been waiting for entire life. Let said she believed in fairytale. She was naive and innocent. But she was not stupid. She knew that the prince charming was lost on his way to find her. She needed to help him, so they could meet and lived happily ever after. But she was naive and innocence. She might be smart, but she was unexperienced.


Nobody would ever see him as a victim. They saw him as the suspect who caused pain for others. Nobody understood that he was the one who suffered. That's why he gave nothing to people. He had no respect for human. He saw them as pain. The world without people was the world without pain. It would be a perfect world, right?


She saw him! Standing in the middle of nowhere. Struggling on his long legs to stand up. He was too weak to move. But he wasn't in pain, he was mad and frustrated. He cursed in every single breath that he hardly took. She was about to offering her hand when he rudely pushed her away. Yelling at her to leave or she would regret it. But she was staring at him, confused and captivated by the way he look. He might be the prince charming she was looking for, but he was losing his head.

He was not really sure how he felt about the girl standing in front of him. She didn't speak anything, but she did move on him, taking care of the cut on his legs. He had refused her, even yelled at her to leave him alone. But she was still here. Without uttered any single word, she had secretly caught him off guard. For the first time after so long time, he didn't think that he hate people at all.

She stared at him when he left without good bye. But she took it as a good sign that one day, sooner or later, they would meet again. She was exciting. She knew it since the first time she lied her eyes on him, he was the man she had been waiting for. It was fate that brought them togather in the middle of nowhere, in the perfect time. She was determined to know him more.


He remembered her. The way she looked at him. Such a fragile eyes that looked like easily soaked to tears. The way her hands moved on his cut. Such a soft touch that sent chill to him. It was comforting yet confusing. He didn't even know her name! But he already craved by her stare and touch. She was new to him. And he determined to find more about her.


She found him! He was Benjamin called Ben. He was a boy people called troubled. He was bad and did bad things. People said to her to stay away from him or he would hurt her. But she didn't believe them. How could they say such nasty things to a beautiful man like him?


He managed to find more about her. She was Victoria, people called her Tori. Whta a beautiful name was it? She was the good girl every parents wanted. She was beautiful by heart. She was simply the opposite of him. But he found something interesting about her. People said that she didn't speak. Did it mean that she was mute or what? But it couldn't be. He remembered that she hardly spoke, but she spoke! How could people say that about her?


They met again, in the middle of nowhere, in the perfect time. She was smiling at him. A wide smile that showed up her perfect teeth. They sit on the bench, side by side, facing a pool full of water lilies that smelled so good.
"Ben," she said.
He looked at her right in the eyes. Somehow he found it strange, hearing her said his name.
"Tori," he finally said.
Her smile grew wider, "You know me,"
"So you do," he told.
"People said you're troubled," she revealed her thought.
"People said you're mute," he stated.
She looked at him, "You find out they're wrong," 
"its the same case. Wasn't it?" he said.
"So you're not troubled?" she asked curiously.
"If you say so,"
Sshe just stared at him. Somehow she thought that what he revealed by his words was different from the way he looked.


She knew that her prince charming was lying. At least he didn't yet say the truth. She didn't know him that much to know his entire life. He might be troubled, bad and even did nasty things. But somehow she felt like it didn't matter cause she would accept him completely no matter what people thought about him. Later then she knew that she had fallen for him, only too deep that she forgot how to come up to surfaced.


He was feeling uneasy when he thought about her. It had been an enigmatic thought that bothered him all time. He just saw her twice but it looked like it had been enough for him to fall for her. Her innocence and purity made him wanted to drawn in her touch. She made him forget his hate. He wanted her. But it also scared him. The need to be around her turned him into someone wasn't him. What would she think when she find out about him?


"He was bad for you. Leave him,"
"He would only caused you pain,"
"He was crazy!"
"Leave him already, won't you?"
"'He was an outlaw! A criminal!"
"He steals cars, he uses drugs!"
"He killed his own mother when he was kid! He was sent to the jail but the law let him out in order to kill another!"
She had enough of those shits. She might be naive and innocence, but she was far away form stupid. She wouldn't believe them at all!

"Do you believe them?" he asked.
She shook her head, "Not at all,"
He chuckled, "Thank God,"
"'So, what exactly you had done that make them said such nasty things about you?" she asked curiously.
He was hesitant for a minute, but he continued, "You see, people say, like father like son. Let say i have a bad father who  do bad things. He is the one in jail. I was left alone, with people who saw me as bad as my father,"
"But you're not," she stated.
"But i'm not," he told.
"I'm sorry about what had happened to you. It must be hard living in that kind of situation,"
"Its nothing now. I don't live in their assumption. I don't care anymore," he told her.
"I see, you're coping," she said with small smile on her face.
"I'm, cause i see things differently now,"
"what's that all about?" she asked.
"You make me see things differently," he told her.
"But how?" she asked confused.
He didn't answer, he just looked at her for a while.
"Trying to live and love with the heart that can't be broken, it just likes to see the light with the heart that can't be opened," he paused.
"It sounds like a song for me," she said.
"nah, you got it!"
"Then what's it all about?" she asked persistently.
"How could people said you're mute when you ask too much questions?"
"I'm not mute," she told.
"I know,"
"So?" she asked.
He smiled at her, quiet wide, "I might be confused and misunderstood. But i see things clearly now," Its all that he said before he stand up to leave. But he didn't say good bye, which mean they would meet again.


They kept seeing each other in the middle of nowhere, in the perfect time. She learnt new things about him every single days, that made her see him more clearly. He just a boy who once hate the world and people who lived in it because there were no one who kept him company. He was lonely. He wanted to have somebody who would like to listen to him and to understand him. He was quiet simply. He was just like her, waiting for somebody who would understand their silence. Cause silence told everything that words failed to do. She saw him in the way he looked at her, the way he moved, the way he walked, the way he ate. He was her prince charming, not a boy who people talking about.


He enjoyed every single moment he spent with her. He loved her voices, he loved her touch, he loved her curiosity, he loved her sensibility, he loved everything about her. He would trade his life for her.

         THE END
Percobaan menulis dalam bahasa Inggris, semoga bermanfaat ^^ 


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